

This tag is associated with 4 posts

Quo Vadis Europa? – Drei Schritte hin zu mehr Integration

Die gegenwärtige Krise in Europa, ob man sie nun Eurokrise oder (Staats-)Schuldenkrise nennt, hatte für lange Zeit die Debatte über die Zukunft der EU und Wege der weiteren Integration in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Gipfeltreffen, Sondersitzungen, Krisentelefonate; wahrscheinlich standen die Spitzen der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten noch nie in so engem und häufigen Kontakt miteinander; und trotzdem war bei … Continue reading

The need to stay together

A Eurozone exit of Greece seems to become more and more likely. A variety of scenarios for the eventual return to a national currency are already being circulated. With them, differing descriptions of the consequences. What they (the serious and somewhat respectable ones) have in common is the immense initial chaos and the following long … Continue reading

Loving comparisons

One French diplomat ridiculed David Cameron by describing him as “like a man who wants to go to a wife-swapping party without taking his own wife”.

Be careful…

Hard to know who they really are…